Individual Therapy

365682203You are struggling

Some days, you feel like you’re drowning. Waves of indecision hit, and you’re pulled under and flipped around until you can finally drag yourself up to the surface to make another attempt at facing the day.

Life has become unmanageable, and no one has any idea. Your mask hides your fear and allows you to function (but just barely.)

You’re emotionally exhausted and know you’d much rather swim than sink, but you have no idea where to begin.

Therapy can help.

Working together, we can stop negative thinking spirals, replace false narratives, and interrupt unhealthy behavioral patterns. You’ll learn to communicate more clearly and gain the confidence to ask for help.

It’s time to identify the cause of your ambivalence, resolve conflict, and tackle the fears that have kept you on the sidelines of life for too long.

You can find hope again. Let’s explore, examine, and rediscover who you are, the roles you play, and the things that matter to you. Call me today, and let’s get started!

My Approach

I weave a variety of therapeutic approaches, including:


Origin of issues connected to current problems


Rediscover and nurture your internal strengths

Integrative Therapy

Holistic; therapeutic relationship as a partnership


Nonjudgmental awareness; the practice of presence

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Target specific thinking patterns and behaviors