Rediscover Yourself &
Stop Living in Fear

Therapy for individuals and couples
ready to embrace hope

In-person in San Diego & online throughout California



Every morning the struggle is real.

Your alarm goes off, and you’re already irritable as you press snooze for the umpteenth time.

But no one can know how you’re feeling, so you rely on your morning mantra of “Breathe, smile, and pretend.”

Your mask falls into place as you start your day.

Tension has taken root, and it feels impossible to find relief.

The same disagreements play on repeat in your mind.

Anger and resentment ping through your body like an old Atari game.

But these layers of bitterness simply cover the fear lurking beneath the surface.

Existing has become the status quo.

Your thoughts race, leaving you distracted and unable to concentrate on the task at hand.

Watching the clock slowly tick down to 5:00 pm – work unfinished, overthinking last night’s argument with your partner, desperately looking for the off switch.

By the time you leave, your energy is sapped, and you’re feeling defeated. Now to do the same thing again tomorrow.

There are no solutions in survival mode.

The usual tactics don’t work anymore. You’re tired of people-pleasing and acquiescing to everything just so you can avoid the next argument.

Exercise helps, but not enough. The closest thing to relief you’ve found is switching on autopilot and checking out.

But you’re slowly realizing your life is passing you by as you silently watch from the sidelines.

Things can’t go on like this much longer.

You’re so sick of being stuck on the outside of life looking in.

Continuing to hide behind your admittedly impressive collection of masks is untenable.

And silently enduring the pain while pretending everything’s fine is no longer an option.

There is another way.

Rediscover the hope that things can and will improve.

Cultivate a willingness to finally tackle the tumult, darkness, and fear you’ve been avoiding.

Find your way forward with my help.

(619) 368-2122

Hi, I’m Tamela.

And I want to teach you how to trust yourself again.

In our sessions, you will learn to identify unhealthy patterns, deconstruct false narratives, and shift from a place of fear to one of empowerment and authenticity.

Together, we’ll explore the internalized messages that shape your core beliefs. And locate and weed out the ones that no longer serve you.

It’s time to discard these negative beliefs that have taken root in your subconscious, driving false narratives and limiting your choices. Let’s uncover the real you.

It’s time to learn to identify and acknowledge emotions, resolve conflict, and say yes to healthy relationships.

If you’re ready to start living the bright and fulfilling life you deserve, I’m here to help. Call me now.

More about me

What I Offer

Individual Therapy


Couples Therapy


Therapy for Helping Professionals


Online Therapy


As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.

– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Build an authentic life.

Take off the mask. Rediscover who you are, what you want, and how to get there.

Call me now for your free 15-minute consultation, and let’s begin this journey of discovery one step at a time!

(619) 368-2122