Anxiety and Depression

2345107243The lock-tight grip of unrelenting rumination…


Racing thoughts…

Constantly wondering if you said the wrong thing…

Your muscles tighten as you feel the anxiety course through your body.

The thinking turns into overthinking, and the dwelling takes a negative turn, taking over all perspective on yourself and the world.

“Ugh… another irritable, pessimistic start to the day,” you think.

Unfortunately, that cloud doesn’t dissipate.

It constantly hangs over you, sapping all your energy and motivation.

That familiar case of the “blahs” sets in, leading you to abandon your morning routine.

“Not again!” you cry. “Well… maybe it’ll clear up when I leave the house.”

And then you start second-guessing your every decision, and your spirits sink even lower. As the anxiety sets in, even the simplest decisions seem impossible.

Lost in worry and fear, you pull the covers back up and call out of work… again.

Anxiety Img 2It’s time to break the cycle!

Therapy can help – specifically, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

CBT is based on the idea that how you THINK about a situation impacts how you FEEL, which in turn impacts what you choose to DO.

In therapy, you’ll learn your particular patterns of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. You’ll see there are places where your thinking might be distorted, leading to negative emotions and actions that keep you trapped in a cycle of anxiety and depression.

Together, we’ll deconstruct those false narratives and shift your perspective.

That’s not all…

It’s important to observe and experience your thoughts and emotions without judgment. In therapy, we’ll use mindfulness techniques to help you do that (e.g., meditation, yoga stretching, body-scan exercises, and grounding techniques).

The goal is to bring your attention to the present moment, so you’re not focusing on past regrets or future worries.

CBT goes deeper still. We’ll dive into your history and experience to unearth, explore, and examine core beliefs that have shaped how you perceive yourself and how you show up in your relationships with family, friends, and partners.

False beliefs like “I’m not good enough” came from somewhere, so let’s find those points of disconnection and discard those beliefs that no longer serve you.


Your inner purpose is to awaken.

– Eckhart Tolle

Open the door and start down a new path…

Healthy thoughts coupled with emotions that may have been buried will start you on a path toward emotional wellness.

It’s okay to ask for help. Your willingness to reach out and begin tells me you are preparing for change, which is no easy feat when you’re saddled with anxiety and depression.

That’s why I’m here – to uplift you and help you navigate the road ahead with authenticity.

You deserve support and compassion – from others and yourself!

Contact me today. Let’s get started with your free consultation: (619) 368-2122.